Friday, June 19, 2009

We Have Arrived in Delhi

I woke up at 5:45 am today, which is how I know that I am still jet lagged. I don’t even know what time my body thinks it is. There is definitely an adjustment from the US. I am trying to remember all the things that people told me, but I remember some stuff after I already make the mistake! Delhi is like sensory overload and I am trying to take it in without being obvious (even though, I clearly stand out, so I might as well look around).

They definitely have the shared road concept going on here and it totally works. It may appear to be chaotic, but the buses, cars, motorbikes, rickshaws, auto rickshaws and people are so organized. Each mode of transportation knows it’s place, and everyone is maneuvering for their small space on the road. It may be too early to call it, but auto rickshaws are my favorite! You get to see everything and the wind feels great. I have to figure out a way to take some pics from the rickshaw soon.

In terms of food, I have been eating plane food for the past two days (Virgin Atlantic food is actually good!), and my first meal yesterday was at 8pm (geeze, no wonder I felt so out of it an overwhelmed). I am sure the novelty of the food prices will wear off soon, but I was pretty psyched to only drop $2 for dinner and it was SO good! I don’t even know what it was called, I just picked something from the vegetarian menu and got rice with it. I am working up to street food. I know they said to avoid it, but I keep seeing signs for Momos and they smell so good.

Me dumping money in skype was a waste of money. The internet is finicky here so far, and scheduling a time to talk to someone on the phone in an internet café is going to be a pain, so I have a cell phone!

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